Issuance of New Bonds to Replace Damaged/Divide/Consolidate Same Series Bonds for Individuals

     Individual bondholders with certificated bonds who wish to request the issuance of new bonds to replace damaged ones, divide bonds, or consolidate the same series of bonds into a single one, can submit a petition as prescribed by the Bank of Thailand. 

     The petition should be signed identically as per the signature provided to the Bank of Thailand. The following supporting documents must accompany the petition:

  1. National Identification Card (In case of postal submission, please send a certified copy by the cardholder)
  2. Civil Servant Identification Card or an Employee Card issued by a government organization, which must include a national identification number (In case of postal submission, please send a certified copy by the cardholder)
  3. Passport or Alien Registration Certificate for foreigners (In case of postal submission, please send a certified copy by the passport holder)
  4. Petition to issue new bonds to replace the old version
  5. Original Bond Certificate

     Please note that the process of issuing new bonds to replace damaged ones, dividing bonds, or consolidating the same series of bonds into a single one for individuals will take approximately 50 minutes. 

     The exact time may depend on several factors such as the completeness and accuracy of the documents, the discretion of the examiner, and the duration for amendment requests. Once the process is completed, the results will be immediately notified to the applicant at the department. In the case of postal applications, the results will be informed within 7 days from the date of completion of the review, with a fee of 20 baht per bond certificate.

Service Channels:
In person at the office / Submitting documents by mail.
Bonds Department, Payment and Bond Section,
Bank of Thailand, Head Office, 273 Samsen Road,
Wat Sam Phraya Sub-district, Phra Nakhon District, Bangkok 10200.
Open Monday - Friday (except public holidays)
Time: 08.30 - 16.30 hrs. (with a lunch break).

Data updated on June 29, 2023
Source: Bank of Thailand
Tel. 1213


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