Conditions for Applying for Permission to Establish a Bonded Warehouse for Ship Repair or Construction Yards

     The Customs Department stipulates the following conditions for those seeking permission to establish a bonded warehouse for ship repair or construction yards:

  1. The proposed location must be suitable and equipped with a secure and sturdy storage building, which allows Customs officials to carry out their duties conveniently and securely.
  2. Construction must be carried out according to the blueprint submitted with the application, which the Customs Department approves. There should be a surrounding fence, unless the geographical conditions of the business do not necessitate one. However, there must be secure entrance and exit gates, a workroom for customs officials equipped with a computer that connects to the Customs Department's computer system for managing the bonded warehouse, and a bonded warehouse signboard according to the prescribed design.
  3. There must be a closed-circuit television system capable of recording events, personal identities, vehicle registration numbers, container numbers, or items that pass in and out, and it should be possible to review image data for at least 60 days. The provision of equipment to support work, improve the efficiency of bonded warehouse management, and supervise the bonded warehouse comprehensively as specified by the Customs Department is required.
  4. An e-Inventory Control System must be in place that can monitor the storage, withdrawal, and remaining goods. It should be capable of preparing accounting reports as required by the Customs Department, and Customs officials should be able to inspect it at any time.

     Regarding the application to commence operations, once the conditions have been met, an application for the commencement of bonded warehouse operations should be submitted to the Standards and Privilege Registration Division, Department of Tax and Customs Privileges, Customs Department. This is to facilitate Customs officials in inspecting the readiness at the bonded warehouse location before considering granting permission to open the bonded warehouse.


Data updated on May 25, 2023

Source: The Digital Government Development Agency

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