Random Plant Pest Inspection for Special Agreement on Export of Vegetables and Fruits

     Thailand is a country that produces agricultural products nearly all year round. In addition to domestic consumption, these products are also exported to other countries, with significant markets such as Japan, China, and the United States. Those wishing to undergo a random plant pest inspection for the special export of vegetables and fruits must comply with the 1964 Plant Quarantine Act, as amended by the 1999 Plant Quarantine Act (No. 2) and the 2008 Plant Quarantine Act (No. 3). The details are as follows:

  1. The random plant pest inspection for special export of vegetables and fruits is specified here.
  2. The timeline for the procedure starts from the submission of correct and complete documents for the Phytosanitary Certificate.
  3. Exporters must submit a request for a plant inspection to the official at least 3 working days in advance, but not more than 5 working days.
  4. Once the official has successfully conducted the random plant pest inspection for the special export of vegetables and fruits, the exporter will be notified to proceed with the application for the Phytosanitary Certificate.

To proceed, the following documents must be prepared:

  1. Temperature Adjustment Official Appointment Form (Original, 1 copy) specifying date, time, location, and journey clearly. It's used for exporting cases using Cold Treatment to Australia and New Zealand.
  2. Plant Random Inspection Officer Appointment Form (Original, 1 copy).
  3. Application form for Phytosanitary Certificate according to the Plant Quarantine Act, B.E. 2507 and its amendment (Form Por Kor 7) (Original, 1 copy).
  4. Methyl Bromide Fumigation Certification (Form Kor Kor 2) (Original, 1 copy).
  5. Packaging Operation Certification (Form Kor Kor 3) (Original, 1 copy).
  6. Letter of Plant Export Program Registration (Original, 1 copy) issued by the Plant Product Standard Development and Certification Department for cases of Methyl Bromide Fumigation to Republic of Korea and Australia - used for Cold Treatment cases to Australia - used for Irradiation cases to the USA - used for pre-export plant inspection cases to Australia.
  7. Good Practices Certification for Methyl Bromide Fumigation (Original, 1 copy) for the Republic of Korea, Australia, and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  8. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certification according to the Department of Agricultural Extension's standards (Original, 1 copy) for Methyl Bromide Fumigation cases to Republic of Korea, Republic of China (Taiwan), and Australia - used for Cold Treatment cases to Australia - used for Irradiation cases to the USA - used for pre-export plant pest inspection cases to Australia.
  9. Job Performance Report (Original, 1 copy) with clearly detailed information for all countries.

There are service fees throughout the process as follows:

  1. Phytosanitary Certificate Fee: 100 Baht
  2. Phytosanitary Certificate Verification Fee: As per the 2010 Ministry Regulation on setting the fee.
  3. Vehicle Expense: Actual expenditure.

     You may submit the documents at the Pest Control Plant Quarantine Group, Plant Quarantine Research Group, Plant Protection Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture, 10900 within Kasetsart University, Bang Khen, during business hours.

Tel: +66 2940 6670, extensions 141 and 142.


Data updated on May 25, 2023

Source: The Digital Government Development Agency

Tel. +66 2612 6060



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