Criteria for considering international invention patent registration (PCT)

Regarding the criteria for considering international patent registration (PCT), the applicant must study the following criteria:

1. Invention applied for the patent shall be characterized as follows:

1.1 The invention is a new creation;
1.2 The invention involves an inventive step;
1.3 The invention is industrially applicable;
1.4 The following inventions shall not be protected by the Patent Act:

1.Microorganisms and any components of the microorganisms naturally existing in animals, plants, or extracts from animals or plants;

2. Scientific or mathematical principles and theories;

3. Data system for the operation of a computer;

4. Method of diagnosis, treatment, or cure of human diseases or animal diseases;

5. Inventions contrary to public order, morality, health, or welfare.

In addition, the applicant for registration of an international invention patent shall submit supporting documents, as follows:

1. Application form (Form Sor Por/ Or Sor Por/ 001-Kor (PCT));

2. Invention details. The invention must be described in detail completely, concisely, and clearly, with which any person ordinarily skilled in the relevant technical field can create such invention. The details should cover the following subjects:

- Title of the invention;

- Technical field;

- Background art or related scientific knowledge that improves the understanding and usefulness of the invention in the examination process;

- Describe features and objectives of the invention;

- Complete disclosure of invention;

- Brief description of the drawing;

- Best mode for making or using the invention.

3. Claims must be stated in a clear and concise manner, consistent with the description under those features of the invention for which protection is sought;

4. The drawings (if any) shall be clear, consistent with the description; and in compliance with the principles of drawings, also meaning plans and charts;

5. The abstract shall consist of a summary of the disclosure as contained in the description, claims, and any drawings (if any), and the summary shall briefly indicate each main technical feature and shall be drafted in a way that allows better understanding of the technical problem and its solution through the invention and the use of the invention;

6. Other requirements as specified in Ministerial Regulations No. 21;

7. Supporting documents as specified in item 8 of Form Sor Por/ Or Sor Por/ 001-Kor (PCT).

Information as of 4 April 2023
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060


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