Criteria for considering invention patent registration

      Innovation is the process of creating or inventing new products or methods through thinking or making. An invention may involve internal structures or components that cannot be seen from the outside and may also include the chemical composition of different products. 

      The purpose of patenting an innovation is to legally protect its use or benefits and prevent others from using the invention for their own gain without permission. An invention eligible for a patent is characterized as follows:

1. The invention is a new creation;

2. The invention involves an inventive step;

3. The invention is industrially applicable;

4. The following inventions are not protected by the Patent Act:

1) Microorganisms and any components of the microorganisms naturally-existing in animals, plants; or extracts from animals or plants;

2) Scientific or mathematical principles and theories;

3) Data system for an operation of a computer (computer programs);

4) Method of diagnosis, treatment, or cure of human diseases or animal diseases;

5) Inventions contrary to public order, morality, health, or welfare.

Information as of 4 April 2023 
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060 


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