Documentation and procedures for requesting to record images rights or exhibit in a museum

     A museum is a place for collecting and exhibiting items of historical, artistic, cultural, or educational significance for the education and enjoyment of the public. Its primary role is to conduct research and investigate various stories based on material evidence, as well as to gather and display information, along with exhibiting objects from different disciplines. A person requesting permission to record images rights or exhibit within the museum must prepare and submit supporting documentation, which consists of the following:

  1. National ID card;
  2. A letter requesting permission to record photos or displays of the property in a museum;
  3. List of properties to be photographed or subtitles (script).

The procedure and timeframe for the procession are as follows:

  1. Submit the letter/ application for permission to record the property. Officials check the completeness of the documents and coordinate with the applicant within 1 business day;
  2. Submit the request/ permission letter for recording images to the Director of the National Treasure Promotion and Development Division to inform related agencies or museums to consider further action, within 1 business day;
  3. The relevant agencies or museum considers the suitability and prepares a record of the permission granted by the Director of the National Treasure Promotion and Development Division for external parties to record the images of the property or exhibit in the museum, within 2 business days;
  4. The National Treasure Promotion and Development Division Director signs the permission letter, according to suitability within 1 business day;
  5. Officials coordinate with the applicant to clarify the requirements, criteria, and fees for recording images, within 1 business day;
  6. The applicant records the images of the property or exhibit in the museum and contacts officials to request property photography, as well as paying fees for recording images of the property and other relevant fees within 1 business day, with the Treasury Department responsible for the process.

Information as of 4 April 2023 
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060 


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