Customs Clearance for Exportation from Free Zone Area, Suvarnabhumi Airport

     Exportation by air is processed via the e-Export (paperless system) to facilitate the work of exporters and enhance Thailand’s capacity in global trade. Entities who wish to export via e-Export must register with Thai Customs at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

     Exporters need to show the Export Declaration and air waybill to the officers in Customs Service Area 2 (building CI). If the data of the Export Declaration appears in the system, the next steps will be as follows:

     1. If Export Declaration is stamped “No inspection” (Green Line), the signature of the officer, date, month, and year will be stamped on the document;
     2. If the Export Declaration is stamped “Inspection” (Red Line), the name of the inspector will be issued by the system automatically. After inspection, the signature of the officer, date, month, and year will be stamped on the document.
     3. If goods need to be scanned by X-ray machine, it must be done according to the regulations. After that, “X-ray,” the signature of the officer, date, month, and year will be stamped on the document.
          After the process above is completed, the Customs officer will return the Export Declaration to the exporters or the Customs broker, and then  goods must be taken to the warehouse for checking weight and preparing to export.
     4. Take goods – together with the Export Declaration and air waybill – to a Terminal Operator (TMO); each TMO is located in different places, depending on the airlines. Exporters or Customs brokers should check with the airline to learn whether its TMO is located at the TG warehouse or BFS warehouse.
     5. The Terminal Operator will submit data to the system via e-Manifest. The data on the loading of the goods will be recorded automatically; therefore, exporters may use it for any tax exemption as soon as the Export Declaration status is 0409.

      It is necessary that the goods – together with the approved Export Declaration – be submitted to Customs service at Suvarnabhumi Airport at least two hours prior to departure time.

Information as of 19 March 2020
Source: Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Office
Tel. +66 2134 1246


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