BOI launches nine measures to promote new economy investment

        Thailand aims to drive industries that will propel the Thai economy into a new era. The Board of Investment (BOI) approved the following nine measures to stimulate investment in accordance with the fifth Strategic Plan to accelerate new economic development under the five-year Investment Promotion Strategy (2023-2027):

  1. Measures to promote investment in industries that are important to the country's development;
  2. Measures to enhance competitiveness;
  3. Measures to maintain and expand existing production bases (Retention and Expansion Program);
  4. Measures to promote comprehensive business relocation (Relocation Program);
  5. Measures to stimulate investment during the economic recovery period;
  6. Measures to upgrade the industry toward “smart” and “sustainable”;
  7. Measures to promote investment in SMEs;
  8. Measures to promote investment in targeted areas; 
  9. Measures to promote investment for community and social development.

        These nine measures include improving existing measures to make them more targeted, simplifying existing measures, and introducing new measures, such as measures to maintain and expand existing production bases and measures to promote comprehensive business relocation as an investment base.

        Thailand’s strengths in meeting the world's challenges in terms of food security, being a clean energy source, and having a strong supporting industry base are important factors for new industries and international business hubs. This encourages future investment, as well as the issuance of additional investment measures in Thailand’s four Special Economic Corridors to create opportunities and boost competitiveness in all regions.

The new measures and benefits will go into effect in January 2023.


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