Eight steps to apply for investment promotion

      Applying for investment promotion from the Board of Investment (BOI) is free. You can get advice from the Investment Service Center. This is accomplished in just eight simple steps, as follows:

1. Investors interested in applying for investment promotion can learn more about the process and obtain the application form through two channels:

  • BOI central, regional, or foreign offices;
  • www.boi.go.th.

2. Submit an investment promotion application for investment promotion under the type of business that the BOI grants investment promotion to. Apply online only via e-Investment Promotion via www.boi.go.th, except for applications for investment promotion for improving production efficiency, applications for investment promotion for business transfer, and applications for investment promotion in grassroots economic measures.

3. Clarify the project by scheduling an appointment with the BOI officer in charge of the project within 10 working days of application submission.

4. The BOI staff analyzes the project by using the consideration period based on the size of the investment divided into the following:

  • Investment not exceeding 200 million baht, considered within 40 days from the date of complete documents;
  • Investment not exceeding 2,000 million baht, considered within 60 days from the date of complete documents;
  • Investment of more than 2,000 million baht, considered within 90 days from the date of complete documents.

5. Applicants will be notified of the result of the BOI's consideration within 7 days of the meeting’s approval of the minutes.

6. Respond to resolutions for investment promotion. Applicants who apply for investment promotion accept the promotion within one month of receiving the resolution notification via two channels:

  • Fill out the form through the e-Investment Promotion system via www.boi.go.th;
  • Submit investment promotion acceptance form (Form F GA CT 07).

7. Promoted individuals can apply for a promotion certificate, along with supporting evidence, for consideration within 6 months through two channels:

  • Fill out the form through the e-Investment Promotion system via www.boi.go.th;
  • Fill in the promotion certificate application form (Form F GA CT 08) and submit supporting documents for the issuance of the certificate.

8. The BOI will issue promotion certificates within 10 working days of receiving the promotion certificate request form and complete evidence.


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