Opportunities to develop Thai tourism with the BCG model

      The government is focused on accelerating the development of the country with a new economic model called BCG, which involves the development of three economies: Bio economy, focusing on the use of biological resources to create added value and on the development of high-value products; Circular Economy, taking into account the efficient use of resources and  circulating them to make the most use of them; and Green Economy, socio-economic development taking into account the environment and sustainability. One of the key industries is tourism. 

      In the past, Thailand has been famous for tourism, thanks to its cultural and natural attractions, as well as man-made tourist attractions and interesting new activities. It has been awarded prizes in various categories and has been ranked internationally by several international media and organizations. such as Best Travel Cities (Travel & Leisure Magazine, DestinAsian Magazine, Travel Weekly UK, Baxter Media, Irish Travel Trade News Awards, Ctrip.com, Conde Nast Traveler UK, etc.), Best Value Travel Cities (CNN), Creative City (UNESCO), Most Visited Attractions (TripAdvisor), and Best Wedding Destination (Travel Leisure South Asia Magazine).

      A study by the Bank of Thailand indicates that Thailand's tourism industry uses its natural resources and low prices to attract tourists to Thailand. The results of the satisfaction surveys of foreign tourists, as well as the attitudes and satisfaction of Thai tourists traveling in Thailand, reveals that tourist attractions remain the most important factor when a person is trying to decide whether to visit any country. However, another interesting factor is the image of Thailand in the eyes of foreigners; the view is that Thai people are friendly and honest, which is a manifestation of good hospitality, all of which create opportunities for Thailand to compete in the world-class tourism industry.

Source: National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

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