BCG model strategy on upgrading and developing industries for sustainable competitiveness: Strategy 3

       Strategic plans and guidelines for driving development under the BCG model, 2021-2026

       Strategy 3: Upgrade industrial development under the BCG economy for sustainable competitiveness

       This is a strategy that focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of the existing manufacturing and service sectors, so that they grow continuously, by bringing in knowledge of technology and innovation to elevate efficiency, with the aim of becoming a leader in manufacturing and providing services nationally and globally.

       The BCG model covers the fields of agriculture and food; health and medicine; energy, materials, and bio-chemicals; tourism and the creative economy; and the circular economy, all of which can be developed independently. However, linking them creates the greatest benefits. The guidelines for operations in each area are described hereunder.

Agriculture and food

       Restructuring of agricultural production and food to increase the variety of high-value products:

 1. Transforming agricultural systems to high efficiency, high standards, and high value;

 2.  Propelling agriculture to become B, C, and G, with area-based integration;

 3. Processing agricultural products with advanced techniques, processing them into healthy food and medical food, using the most appropriate active ingredients and essential substances as raw materials for the downstream industry, including insect or plant proteins;

 4. Improving productivity through the adoption of digital platforms, advanced technology, and the use of automation;

 5. Improving the production process by progressing toward green production and sustainable production; reducing wastage during production and food waste, and upgrading the production process with advanced technology;

 6. Upgrading the quality, safety, and standards of local food (street food/ community enterprises) with food machinery and quality operational standards;

 7. Branding Thai food in the global market with the Thai identity and Thai culture;

 8. Investing in and upgrading food innovation infrastructure.

Offering health and medicine courses

       Focusing on building the ability to improve medical innovations for security and better quality of health and medical services in Thailand, as follows:

 1. Enhancing the ability to develop and produce vaccines, drugs, and biological products for the prevention and control of viral diseases;

 2. Improving the quality of treatment and creating a precision medicine system by promoting the use of advanced medical products;

 3. Accelerating tool development and medical materials with an innovative mechanism of reverse engineering; 

 4. Promoting clinical research to support the registration of medical and health products;

 5. Promoting market creation through sandbox innovation, registration mechanisms, and government procurement, and changing the procurement pattern from annual to multi-year procurement;

 6. Building skilled personnel to support industries and services.

Energy, materials, and biochemicals

       Focusing on increasing the value of agricultural products and waste materials from economic activities by using technology and innovation to lead to energy security at all levels, and creating added economic value based on environmentally friendly development:

 1. Creating market opportunities for biological products to compete fairly, through the mechanisms of carbon pricing and carbon credit allocation and by reducing barriers to entry;

 2. Using resources in the bioeconomy, circular economy, and green economy to build an economy for the community;

 3. Promoting the use of plants, products, and agricultural wastes to create value and added value;

 4. Using bio-innovation to add value to products and services, and creating innovative businesses for SMEs.

Tourism and the creative economy

       Adjusting tourism to green tourism and tourism creates high value. Essential guidelines for operations are as follows:

 1. Pushing for the introduction of new tourism models, such as the Happy Model, in order to distribute income evenly to secondary tourist cities, to reduce inequality, and to achieve sustainable development;

 2. Promoting sustainable tourism and green tourism to preserve the environment, in harmony with the Happy Model approach;

 3. Distributing tourists to secondary cities by developing goods and services in secondary cities, by using local identity, developing stories, facilitating travel and safety, and developing knowledge with digital technology; 

 4. Expanding the tourism market by promoting the development of a payment system called the One Payment System;

 5. Promoting high-quality tourism through organization of conferences and exhibitions, sports, and large-scale events. 

Circular economy

       Applying the principles of the circular economy is a key foundation for driving Thailand towards sustainable development, increasing competitiveness, and creating a new economy. Central to this effort is reducing waste in the production process and consumption in three target groups: integrated plastics, agriculture and food, and construction materials. The necessary steps are as follows:

 1. Developing the economy through investment opportunities and creating markets through the circular economy business model;

 2. Promoting research, technology, and innovation to create new products and services. from reused waste; 

 3. Developing the platform and infrastructure to systematically drive the circular economy;

 4. Building a system of management mechanisms that facilitate the country's circular economy;

 5. Building manpower with knowledge and understanding through the transfer of knowledge from training or courses, as well as raising awareness of sustainable production and consumption to drive the circular economy.

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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