Magnificent! Hoya Soidaoensis Kidyoo - A New Species of Plant to the World

     Say hello to "Hoya Soidaoensis Kidyoo," a new species of plant in the world, discovered in Thailand in March 2021 by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. This rare plant species can only be found in Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chanthaburi province, where it grows on trees in the low mountain forests at an elevation of around 1,400 meters.

     The Hoya Soidaoensis Kidyoo, part of the APOCYNACEAE family, is a small climbing plant that lives off trees. It has white sap, single leaves arranged oppositely, an oval shape, sharp ends, and smooth margins that usually curve down slightly. Its leaf is thick, leather-like, with the upper side being slightly rough and having fine hair.

     The flowers of the Hoya Soidaoensis are arranged in clusters, emerging above the leaf axils. They slightly curve upwards, contain 5-12 flowers, have equally sized, pointed, brown-red corollas. The corolla lobes are light green to brownish-red, deeply divided into five sections, oval-shaped, with pointed tips.

     The fruit of the Hoya Soidaoensis is of a single splitting type, shaped like a spear with a slight curve, light green with brown-red spots scattered around.

     For travelers who love adventure and studying nature, you won't want to miss the chance to see this plant with your own eyes at least once in your lifetime. However, to get there, you'll have to contact the officials at Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary first.


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