Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, applied to sustainable management of tourist traffic and tourism activities

      The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria have been developed and revised, and they are committed to ethical compliance. The ISEAL Alliance is a recognized body that advises on international norms in the development of sustainability standards across all sectors. These performance indicators are intended to provide guidance for measuring compliance as a set of examples rather than as a fixed basis. Essentially, performance indicators present scenarios, factors, evidence, and actions to assist countries, including Thailand, in contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

      When it comes to sustainable tourism, the environment and the tourist area must all be considered. Managing the number of tourists and tourism activities therefore plays an important role. Tourist attractions must have a tourist management system, such as a strategic plan and action plan for tourist attraction management, which must manage the tourism season and tourist distribution. The system must also be reviewed on a regular basis.

      The tourist attraction must monitor and manage the number of tourists throughout the year, including the amount of tourism activities, by reducing or increasing the number of tourists and the amount of tourism activities based on time and location requirements. It is necessary to investigate the relationship between economic needs, community and stakeholder opinions, cultural heritage, and the local environment.


Source : Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Information as of 28 February 2023



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