Application Documents for Permission to Recruit or Announce Recruitment in Advance, for Sending Job Seekers to Work Abroad by Licensed Foreign Job Providers - For submission at the Provincial Job Placement Office where the licensee's office is located

Individuals granted a license to provide jobs for work abroad, who wish to recruit or announce recruitment of job seekers in advance, must apply for permission from the registrar under the Job Placement and Job Seekers Protection Act, accompanied by the following documents for obtaining the advance recruitment or recruitment announcement permit for sending job seekers to work abroad. This applies to those submitting an application at the Provincial Job Placement Office where the licensed office is located:

  1. Application for permission to recruit or announce recruitment of job seekers in advance (Form Jor Ngor 22) (1 original copy)
  2. A letter from the foreign employer requesting the licensed individual to find workers (2 sets of copies), specifying the type or nature of work, the number of workers, wage rates, working hours, employment period, and benefits that workers will receive (demand letter), along with certified document translations
  3. A letter from the foreign employer appointing the licensee as the representative for recruitment and selection of workers (2 sets of copies) - must be signed by a person authorized to sign employment contracts on behalf of the employer (power of attorney), along with certified document translations
  4. Evidence of business registration of the employer (2 sets of copies)
  5. Documents from the authorities of that country permitting the hiring of foreign workers (2 sets of copies)
  6. License to provide jobs for job seekers to work abroad (Form Jor Ngor 6) (1 set of copies)
  7. Educational qualifications (1 set of copies) - must be at least a bachelor's degree in a course where the language appearing in the documents (English) is the language of instruction, by the certified translator, along with a certified true copy
  8. Letter certifying the appropriateness of the job (1 copy)
  9. Letter correcting various documents from the employer (1 set of copies)

Documentary Evidence Conditions:

  1. For the documents listed in sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, the original documents must be shown on the day the application is submitted
  2. The licensee must certify the copies of the aforementioned documents and the translator must certify the translations
  3. The documents listed in sections 2, 3, and 4 must be certified by a notary public, a chamber of commerce, or a government agency responsible for certification in the country of the employer's nationality or the country where the workers will be traveling to work. This certification should be further verified by a Thai labor office located in the country where the workers will travel to work. If there is no Thai labor office in the aforementioned country, this certification should be verified by the Thai embassy, Thai consulate, or the person responsible for looking after Thai citizens in that country.
  4. The Department of Employment is currently in the process of establishing an electronic system to link government databases with related agencies, hence it's necessary to use copies of certain documents issued by the government.

Data updated on June 17, 2023
Source: Ministry of Labour
Tel. +66 2232 1162


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