Criteria and Documents for Renewal of the License to Provide Employment for Job Seekers for Work Abroad - Applications Submitted at the Provincial Employment Office Where the Licensee's Office is Located (Renewal of the License to Provide Employment for J

     Renewing a license to provide employment for job seekers to work abroad - when applications are submitted at the Provincial Employment Office where the licensee's office is located (Renewal of the license to provide employment for job seekers for work abroad) - involves specific criteria and conditions. Requests for renewal must be submitted no less than 30 days before the license expires, either at the Central Registration and Employment Protection Department of the Employment Department, in cases where the office is located in Bangkok, or at the Provincial Employment Office where the licensee's office is located, if the office is in other provinces.

     The process according to the manual begins once the officials have confirmed that the documents are complete as specified in the public service manual. In the event that the application or supporting documents are incomplete and/or defective, making it impossible to consider, the officer will make a record of the deficiencies in the document or evidence required for additional submission. The applicant must correct and/or submit additional documents within the period specified in the record, otherwise, the officer will deem that the applicant has abandoned the application. The applicant or the authorized person must sign the aforementioned record and a copy of the deficiency record will be given to the applicant or the authorized person as evidence. The results of the consideration will be notified to the applicant within 7 days from the date of completion.

The documents used to support the application include:

  1. Form for the application to renew the license to provide employment for job seekers to work abroad (Form Jor Ngor 7) (1 original copy)
  2. License to provide employment for job seekers to work abroad (Form Jor Ngor 6) (1 original copy)
  3. For legal entities: Certificate of business registration (1 original copy), not more than 6 months old
  4. For legal entities: Shareholders list (Bor Oor Jor 5) (1 original copy), not more than 6 months old
  5. For legal entities: A letter of authorization for one person to sign on behalf (1 original copy), appointing one of the directors as the licensee to sign documents related to overseas employment, affix a 30-baht stamp duty, along with a report of the board of directors' meeting appointing the licensee (in case the legal entity has more than one director)
  6. A half-body, front-facing photograph, without a hat or glasses, size 4x6 cm. (2 inches) of the authorized signatory on behalf of the legal entity applying for the license (taken not more than 6 months ago), 3 copies
  7. National ID card and a copy of the house registration of the authorized signatory on behalf of the legal entity (1 set)
  8. A letter of result of background / behavior checks and fingerprint from the National Police Office (1 original copy), not more than 30 days old
  9. If authorizing someone else: A power of attorney (1 original copy), affix a 10-baht stamp duty, along with a copy of the ID of the grantor, and the original national ID card of the grantee.

Source: Ministry of Labour
Hotline: 1506


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