Registration and submission of application for Senior Living Allowance

     The Senior Living Allowance, or Old Age Living Allowance, is a subsidy allocated by the government to alleviate the burden of monthly expenses. Each year, newly eligible senior citizens are allowed to register to receive money. Once registered, there is no need to reapply every year, as the entitlement is perpetual. The eligibility requirements for registrants is as follows:

  1. Holding Thai nationality;
  2. Domiciling within the administrative area of the local government organization, according to the house registration;
  3. Aged 60 years or above, registered, and has applied for receiving Senior Living Allowance from the local administrative organization;
  4. Individuals who are not receiving welfare or benefits from state agencies, state enterprises, or local administrative organizations, such as pensioner, military pension, special pensions, or other similar payments, and are either residing in state care homes, local administrative organizations or receiving a regular salary or compensation from the state or local administrative organizations, are not considered to be included in this category. This definition does not include persons with disabilities or AIDS patients, as stipulated by the regulations of the Ministry of Interior regarding subsistence payments of local government organizations in B.E. 2548 or those who receive other welfare benefits according to the cabinet resolution.

The documents required for registering for the Senior Living Allowance are as follows:

  1. Thai national ID card, one copy;
  2. House registration, one copy;
  3. Bankbook (in case the applicant wishes to receive the Senior Living Allowance through a bank account), one copy;
  4. Power of attorney (in case the applicant needs to give a person authorization to act on their behalf), one copy;
  5. Identification card (ID card) or other state-issued card with a photo of the authorized person (in case of requesting authorization to act on their behalf), one copy;
  6. Bankbook of the authorized person (in case the applicant wishes to receive the Senior Living Allowance through the bank account of the authorized person), one copy.

     Once all criteria have been thoroughly checked, the applicant may proceed to contact and submit the documents to the local administrative organization where they reside, either the municipality or the subdistrict administrative organization.

Data updated on 4th April, 2023
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060


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