The registration and submission of an application to receive disability allowance

      In order to register and apply for a disability allowance, applicants must prepare the following documents and make contact in person at the local administrative organization, such as the municipality, the Subdistrict Administrative Organization of Pattaya City: 

  1. An ID card;


  2. A disabled identity card in accordance the law on promotion of quality of life for persons with disabilities;


  3. A copy of house registration;


  4. A bank passbook;


  5. Any other cards issued by government agencies with a photograph of a caregiver, legal representative, or guardian, depending on the case;


  6. The bank passbook of the caregiver, legal representative, or guardian, depending upon the case;


  7. Power of Attorney (in case of other person acting on their behalf).

     Regarding the criteria and conditions for eligibility to receive disability allowance, the individual must possess the following qualifications and must not have the following prohibited characteristics:

  1. Having Thai citizen citizenship;
  2. Having a permanent residence within the area of the local administrative organization, as per the household registration;
  3. Possessing a disability identification card as provided by the law promoting the quality of life for persons with disabilities;
  4. Not being a person under the state welfare institutions, according to the list of names announced by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

     Regarding the verification process of document completeness, those individuals who wish to apply for disability allowance or those with authorized representation must submit their application along with supporting documents to the responsible officer for inspection of the application and supporting documents. The process takes approximately 30 minutes, and the responsible agency is the Department of Local Administration Promotion. Afterward, the individual's personal information and supporting documents will be entered into the history registration along with documents and evidence for consideration in order to propose to the administrators for a period of one day, without fees.

Data updated on March 23, 2023.
Source: Digital Government Development Agency 
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