Types of businesses applying for T-VER registration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

       A growing number of business people in Thailand see the importance of conserving, restoring, and preserving the environment, in order to reduce and solve global warming problems. One way they do this is to register in the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (T-VER), in order to accumulate carbon credits for their business operations and create a good image for the organization, which is taking part in solving the environmental problem.

Projects eligible for registration as a T-VER project are as follows:

1) Energy efficiency projects;

2) Alternative energy development projects;

3) Waste management projects;

4) Transportation sector management projects;

5) Reforestation projects to increase green area;

6) Agricultural projects;

7) Other projects specified by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO).

       Participating in the T-VER project results in the accumulation of “carbon credits,” which are beneficial to individuals, entities, organizations, and businesses, as carbon credits can be used to report the organization's performance. Doing so can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from the activities performed, which can empirically reduce a major cause of global warming. Carbon credits can also be used to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of organizations, products, events, and individuals. 

       Individuals or organizations interested in the T-VER project may contact the TGO or view details at

       This is one way to contribute to the solution of a serious environmental problem, something that all entrepreneurs can participate in, and it can lead to better results from business operations, as well.

Source : Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Mechanism
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