How to apply for a courtesy visa

       A “courtesy visa” is applicable to those diplomatic and/or official passport holders who enter the Kingdom for purposes other than official duties and to those ordinary passport holders who enter the Kingdom in response to an official Thai request. Courtesy visas are granted for a temporary stay to the following persons:

  • Diplomatic/ official passport/ UN Laissez Passer holders who wish to enter the Kingdom for performing diplomatic or consulate or official government missions;
  • His Majesty’s visitors, royal guests, or guests of the government or government agencies.

       Upon official request, Thai embassies and consulates general may grant courtesy visas to diplomatic/ official/ ordinary passport holders who wish to enter the Kingdom on official duty or for other purposes.

       Supporting documents are documents issued by the governmental agency, foreign government, or international organization, certifying the identity of the person concerned and his/her purposes while residing in the Kingdom. The identity of the person must include name, position, and travel purpose. This type of visa is granted without a fee. The duration of stay in Thailand may not exceed 90 days each time. A courtesy visa holder is allowed to stay in Thailand as long as deemed necessary, though not for a period exceeding 90 days. The Immigration Office does not generally allow extensions of permitted stay upon maturity unless there is a necessity or force majeure. 

       The allowed application for extension of stay must be submitted at the Immigration Bureau. The applicant must have a certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to notify each person in order to submit the matter to the authorized person, who will consider the applicant’s request and have to pay the request fee to stay as normal.

Source : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel : +66 2203-5000


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