Unveiling 5 Years of Research: Transforming Tourism – Creative Economy Elevated to Sustainability

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), through the Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Management Unit (PMUC), has revealed research achievements over the past five years in the fields of tourism and the creative economy. They are collaborating with partners from four ministries and 14 agencies to elevate Thai tourism towards sustainability in the form of Net Zero Tourism. The aim is to enhance competitiveness and create stable and sustainable economic value.

Assistant Professor Suphawadee Pothiyarach, a senior expert at the Office of the National Science, Research and Innovation Policy Office (TSRI), revealed that Thailand's tourism industry plays a significant role in the economy, with income distributed to various localities across the country. It is projected that tourism will generate over 2.75 trillion baht in revenue by 2024. However, global warming has put pressure on the tourism sector, prompting the government to accelerate the promotion of green tourism concepts that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage sustainable creative tourism.

To address the changes brought by PMUC, continuous research support has been provided since 2020. Alongside is a collaborative planning for sustainable tourism development through the seminar titled “PMUC and 5 Years of Research to Drive, Adapt, and Transform Thai Tourism and Creative Economy.” This research encompasses enhancing the capabilities of the tourism industry, low-carbon tourism, health tourism, and developing a creative economy to foster Thailand's Soft Power.

The research achievements of PMUC over the past five years have been a significant step in elevating Thai tourism towards becoming Net Zero Tourism. This initiative aims to create added value and stability for the economy while enhancing competitive potential in the global market.

For More Additional information :  Program Management Unit Competitiveness (PMUC) 
Link : https://pmuc.or.th/


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