Thailand Launches 55 New Standards for a Sustainable New S-Curve Industry

The Ministry of Industry has issued 55 new standards in inspection and certification, aligning with environmental and future industry policies (New S-Curve), to promote environmentally friendly industries in Thailand. These include:

  • 7 standards for certifying organizations, such as facility and site management systems, and systems for business cooperation and relationship management.
  • 6 standards on environmental and greenhouse gas issues.
  • 8 standards addressing climate change.
  • 4 comprehensive standards for the medical and health industries.
  • 3 smart city standards.
  • 3 circular economy standards.
  • 2 standards for smart electronics and digital services.
  • 11 organizational quality management standards, including guidelines to enhance customer satisfaction, business-to-consumer e-commerce guidelines, and ethical practices for organizations.
  • 2 standards for high-value agriculture, agri-processing, and value-driven tourism.
  • 9 additional standards for ergonomics and governance.

This initiative aims to advance the carbon neutrality policy, helping Thailand achieve its industrial sector greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2050.

For More Information: Ministry of Industry
Tel: 0 2430 6999



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