8 Technologies and Innovations for Smart Cities from the Thailand Smart City for All 2025 Seminar

  1. Smart Living & Safety – Intelligent Livable Cities
    Cities that offer good physical and mental well-being, enhancing citizens' safety.
  2. Smart Economy – Intelligent Economy and Technology for Business
    Using technology and innovation to transform and develop businesses.
  3. Smart People – Promoting Learning and Reducing Inequality
    Encouraging public education, increasing learning opportunities, and reducing educational inequality (Digital Literacy).
  4. Smart Energy – Increasing Efficiency and Managing Energy Usage
    Focusing on efficient energy management in cities (Renewable Energy).
  5. Smart Environment – Intelligent Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Prevention
    Emphasizing systematic environmental management, disaster prevention, and increasing green spaces.
  6. Smart Governance – Efficient and Transparent Public Services
    Developing systems to provide citizens with easy, efficient access to government services that are transparent and accountable.
  7. Smart Mobility – Convenient, Safe, Fast, and Environmentally Friendly Transportation
    A city focusing on safer, more convenient transportation and reducing accidents while being eco-friendly.
  8. City Data Platform – A Platform for Urban Data to Improve Local Development
    Facilitating data sharing under PDPA for local development.

For those interested in attending Thailand Smart City for All 2025, pre-register at https://smartcitythailand.com.

For additional information: Smart City Thailand
Link: https://smartcitythailand.com


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