“5 Approaches” strategy to attract new tourists and stimulate the economy
After the success of Thai tourism in 2022, after the relaxation of COVID-19 measures, more than 11.8 million foreign tourists flocked to Thailand in 2022. So 2023 should be a golden year for Thailand to revive the economy with tourism. At the same time, agencies related to the tourism sector are ready to push forward the development of products and services. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), in particular, is driving the “Visit Thailand Year 2023: Amazing New Chapters” project to provide a superior travel experience, make an impression on visitors, and make Thailand a valuable travel destination. It has formulated important strategies for developing tourism for the international market, such as the “5 Approaches” strategy:
- “China is Back” welcomes the opening of the country for Chinese tourists. The goal is to create a good impression both in terms of quality and safety for new groups of tourists, accelerating the increase of airline seats, including promoting travel across the country by land in all channels;
- “7 Digits Target Tourism Development,” focusing on countries with high growth potential, including China, Malaysia, India, and South Korea;
- “Color Your Life by Amazing Thailand”: Creation of selling points under the concept of Amazing Thailand in order to become a part and be close to tourists (Slice of Life) through marketing promotion activities, both on-ground and virtual;
- “Responsible Tourism” supports tourism that is socially and environmentally responsible through the “Reborn the Nature” project;
- “Second Tier, Second to None” increases market opportunities by expanding the tourism area to secondary cities in Thailand and expanding the market for new tourists (First Visit) from secondary cities of various countries such as South Korea, China, India, Vietnam, and Malaysia.