STEM One-Stop Service: STEMPlus Workforce Requirement Notification Project

STEM One-Stop Service: STEMPlus Workforce Requirement Notification Project

     STEMPlus is an information system designed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI) to serve as a medium for connecting the needs of entrepreneurs, graduates, students, and members of the general public who are interested in developing their skills and competencies to create career options for themselves. It also links the curriculum and expertise from the higher education sector, which leads to cooperation in the development of workforce and research and development that supports the Thai industry to be competitive in the global arena. This includes attractive services for entrepreneurs, individuals, or students and training units.

     There are also statistics on expertise and production capacity from the education sector, personnel skills requirements for target industries (Future Skills Set), and benefits related to personnel development, employment, highly skilled personnel, and cooperation with the education sector. Workforce requirements through STEMPlus require the development of personnel in the organization and the workforce for the future.

     The Ministry of Interior has a STEM One-Stop Service (OSS) that is responsible for coordinating the creation of people or research and development that meet the needs and that support the employment of highly skilled personnel, according to the Thailand Plus Package.

     Manpower requirements through STEMPlus include recruiting new employees, developing employee skills, recruiting interns, managing education with the higher education sector to build the manpower to meet the needs of organizations or industry groups, developing research projects, and establishing specialized training centers. In addition, STEM OSS is responsible for coordinating the needs and facilitating the application of benefits from government support programs (if any).

Workforce Requirement Notification Process

Submission of a Request for Notification of Workforce Requirements to NXPO

     Requests for notification of workforce needs will be considered by the Office of the National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council (NXPO), which will announce the result of the demand for notification of workforce requirements within 60 days from the date of receipt of the application form, supposing that the request for notification of workforce requirements and supporting documents is complete.

Applicants Request Workforce Requirements

     Applicants inform the system of their need for personnel in the field of personnel development in the organization or the development of personnel in the future.

Submission of Request Form for Workforce Requirement Businesses

     Businesses submit a request for notification of the need for workforce to NXPO, which will consider requests for notification of workforce needs. NXPO will announce the result of the request within the next 60 days.

Source: Office of the National Council for Higher Education Policy, Science, Research, and Innovation (National Science and Technology Development Agency)
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