Promoting Learning and Empowering Human and Networking Organizations to Drive Moral Empowerment: National Moral Empowerment Action Plan Phase II

Promoting Learning and Empowering Human and Networking Organizations to Drive Moral Empowerment: National Moral Empowerment Action Plan Phase II

     The second phase of the National Morality Promotion Action Plan (2023-2027) has been established to provide a mechanism for the development of Thai people of all ages to earn knowledge and life skills (Soft Skills) with a "morality" component.

     Sub-plans have been established for driving action plans. One is to promote learning, human potential development, and organizational networks to drive morality promotion that encompasses all forms of education at all levels. All include managing lifelong learning processes within the community or academic research and development agencies, as well as laws, projects, measures, and government policies that motivate all sectors to drive morality promotion in the organization. The goals and indicators of sub-plans are set as follows:

Goal 1

     A 5% increase in the life funding of Thai children and youth goal by 2025, according to the 2025 database.

Goal 2

     Thai people have improved their life skills by promoting the virtues of network organization. The important indicator is the increasing number of people who have improved their life skills by promoting the integrity of the network organization by 5% per year from the database year 2023.  

Source: National Moral Promotion Committee, Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture, 10 Thiamruammit Road, Huaykhwang, Bangkok 10310 
Tel. +66 2209 3731


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