All posts of tag: visaextensiondocuments

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of family members of a foreigner holding a temporary stay visa

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

For foreigners wishing to extend their stay in Thailand In the case of being family members of a foreigner holding a temporary stay visa under Section 34(7) of the Immigration Act 1979

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of foreign family members of a Thai national

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

For foreigners wishing to extend their stay in Thailand, in the case of being family members of a Thai national (only parents, spouses, children, adopted children, or children of spouses), the Immigration Office has determined the requirements, as follows

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of visiting relatives or returning to an original homeland of a person who was a Thai national or whose father or mother is or was a Thai national

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

An application to stay in Thailand to visit relatives or returning to an original homeland of a person who was a Thai national

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of necessity to work for a public charitable organization, foreign private organization, or foundation

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreigners traveling to Thailand for leisure, doing business, retirement, or studying must apply for a visa to stay in Thailand for different periods of time.

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