All posts of tag: VisaExtension

Application for extension of stay for foreigners who are family members of a foreigner permitted to temporarily stay in Thailand to study in an educational institution

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Permission for extension of stay in Thailand for foreigners who are family members of a foreigner allowed to stay temporarily to study

Application by foreigners to stay in Thailand for Buddhism education or religious practice

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

If a foreigner is in Thailand for Buddhism education or religious activities, and the visa is about to expire, they may submit an application to extend their stay in Thailand for a period of not more than 1 year at a time with the following

Application to stay in Thailand for foreigners working in mass media

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

After a foreigner has received permission from the immigration officer, they will get an entry stamp indicating the date of arrival and the validity date in Thailand, depending on the type of visa or statutory visa exemption.

Application to stay in Thailand by foreign teachers in a private educational institution

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Sending children to international schools has been popular for many years in Thailand, as most parents wish their children to be multilingual. Therefore, foreign teachers are in demand in Thailand’s education market.

Application to stay in Thailand in accordance with Section 15 (diplomat, official) in the case of being a spouse or dependent child and part of the household

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreigners may enter Thailand as a spouse or dependent child of a diplomat or foreign official and are part of the household.

Application to Stay in Thailand in accordance with Section 15 (diplomat, official) for consular officers or employees

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreign consular officers or employees may apply for an extension of their visa when the permit period has expired.

Application to stay in Thailand in accordance with Section 15 (diplomat, official), for heads of office, staff, or specialists appointed to perform duties

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreign heads of offices of organizations or international agencies with Operations Protection Laws in Thailand or approved by the Thai government.

Application for extension of stay in Thailand in the case of certification by BOI, Industrial Estate Authority, or Department of Mineral Fuels

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreigners may be permitted by an immigration officer to work in the Kingdom of Thailand under the supervision of the Board of Investment (BOI), including the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand and the Department of Mineral Fuels.

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of the embassy or consulate’s request

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

If foreigners are traveling in Thailand or living here, and an embassy or consulate has confirmed and requested that the person stay in Thailand to work or be an intern, documents are required to apply for a visa extension

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of employment at the representative office

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Many foreigners who work in Thailand are stationed at the representative offices of foreign juristic persons for international trade, or in regional offices of multinational companies and their branch offices.

Application to Stay in Thailand of Foreign Actors, Singers, Musicians Working at Hotels or for Entertainment Businesses in Thailand

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreigners working  as actors, singers, musicians at hotel, or working in the entertainment field, in Thailand

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of being in charge of a conveyance or a crew of a conveyance entering through a port, station, or locality in Thailand and unable to depart Thailand

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

According to the Immigration Act 1979, in Section 4, the definition of “a person in charge of conveyance" means a ship's master or person responsible for supervising a vehicle

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