How much money may foreigners spend on investments in Thailand?

       The Minister of Commerce issued the ministerial regulation on minimum capital and time for bringing or remitting of minimum capital into Thailand B.E 2562 (2019) as follows: The amount of minimum capital that may be used by a foreigner in commencement of business operation in Thailand must be 2,000,000 baht or more and must not be less than 25% of the annual average of the estimated expenditure on business operations for each business of the foreigner, for a period of 3 years. However, the amount respecting each business must be 3,000,000 baht or more.

       If the period of business operation is less than 3 years, it must be averaged according to the actual length of business operation, calculated on the basis of an annual average of the period of business operation, provided that the amount is 3,000,000 baht or more. 



       A foreigner who is an ordinary person or juristic person not registered in Thailand must bring or remit into Thailand a minimum amount of foreign currency – 2,000,000 baht or 3,000,000 baht, as the case may be – within 3 years of the date on which the business operation is commenced or from the date on which the permission is granted. In the first 3 months, at least 25% of the minimum capital must be brought in or remitted, and the figure must reach 50% of the minimum capital within 1 year. The remaining 25% of the minimum capital must be brought in or remitted. If the period of business operation is less than 3 years, the minimum capital foreign currency must be brought in or remitted within 6 months of the date of commencement of business operation or the date of permission.

       A foreigner who operates a business in Thailand under a treaty to which Thailand is a member state or is bound by an obligation, under which an exemption is reciprocally granted to a national of the other member state, is required to bring or remit the minimum capital foreign currency into Thailand at the amount of 2,000,000 baht or 3,000,000 baht, as the case may be, by 29 August 2039. This regulation covers foreigners existing before this ministerial regulation comes into force.

       Furthermore, a foreigner must present the evidence of bringing in or remitting of the minimum capital into Thailand calculated in Thai currency using the exchange rate based on the reference rate prevailing on the date of bringing or remitting the minimum capital into Thailand, and submit the same to the Department of Business Development within 15 days of the date of bringing or remitting the minimum capital into Thailand. 

Source : Wonderfulpackage
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