Criteria and Procedures for Issuing Import-Export Notification for Type 2 Hazardous Substances

     According to the 1992 Hazardous Substances Act, hazardous substances are substances that are explosive, flammable, oxidizing, peroxidizing, poisonous, disease-causing, radioactive, genetically altering, corrosive, irritating, and any other substances, whether chemical or otherwise, that may pose a risk to persons, animals, plants, property, or the environment.

     Hazardous substances are divided into four categories based on their necessity for control. For Type 2, these are substances whose production, import, export, or possession must be notified to the competent official in advance and must comply with the prescribed standards and methods.

     For those who wish to import or export Type 2 hazardous substances, the criteria and procedures are as follows:

  1. Applicants for the Notification of Import-Export of Type 2 hazardous substances must comply with the 1992 Hazardous Substances Act, the Department of Agriculture’s 2010 Announcement on Notification, Issuance, Renewal, and Renewal of Notification of Type 2 hazardous substances, and the 2012 Ministry Regulation under the 1992 Hazardous Substances Act.
  2. In the event that officials have doubts about the evidence submitted, they can notify the applicant to provide further explanation. 
  3. The procedure according to the manual will start counting the time from when the official checks that the documents are complete and correct as specified in the manual. The steps are as follows:
    • Checking the completeness of the documents by the applicant submitting the Notification of Type 2 hazardous substance operation (Wor Oor/Wor Kor 1) with the complete and correct accompanying documents, which takes 1 business day.
    • The officials will review the accuracy of the documents. Then, the officials will prepare the Notification of Import-Export of Type 2 hazardous substances, which takes 1 business day.
    • The authorized person signs the Notification of Import-Export of Type 2 hazardous substances, which takes 1 business day.


Data updated on May 17, 2023.
Source: The Digital Government Development Agency
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