Documentation for registering a trademark

     A trademark is a mark or symbol, or a brand used for goods or services. Trademarks are protected under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534, amended by the Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543 and the Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559. There are four types, as follows:

  1. Trademark;
  2. Service mark;
  3. Certification mark;
  4. Collective mark.

     Trademark registration can be applied for in person at the Center of Public Service, 3rd floor, Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce, or at the Provincial Commerce Office in any province. The applicant must send a letter by registered mail with payment of the fee to the agreed bank or the Department of Intellectual Property. The payment must be made payable to the Department of Intellectual Property, and supporting documentation must be attached, as follows:

  1. Application for registration (Form Kor 01), with a trademark image attached;
  2. Certificate of a juristic person (in case the applicant is a juristic person);
  3. National ID card or other government-issued identification card (1 copy) (in case the applicant is an individual);
  4. Power of attorney (in the case of an authorized person, affixed with a 30 baht duty stamp per agent or one for the attorney);
  5. Sound recording and pronunciation or narration (when applying for the protection as a sound mark);
  6. Description of the color group (in the case of applying for protection as a color group mark);
  7. Description of the shape or form (in the case of applying for protection as a shape or form mark of an object);
  8. Letter of consent from the owner of a signature and the government-issued identification card of the consenting person (in case the trademark image is a signature);
  9. Letter of consent to use a person's image as a trademark and the government-issued identification card of the consenting person (in case the trademark image is a person's image);
  10. Regulations regarding using a certification mark (in the case of requesting protection as a certification mark);
  11. List of authorized users and documentary evidence or a statement showing the relationship of the person entitled to use the collective trademark (in the case of applying for protection as a collective mark);
  12. Application for retroactive rights under Section 28 or 28 bis (Form Kor 10) together with supporting documents; in case the supporting documents cannot be submitted, use the Request Form for Retroactive Rights without supporting documents (Form Kor 19) together with the request for retroactive rights. (In case applying for retroactive rights under section 28 or 28 bis);
  13. Letter of consent to register this trademark from the transferor or assignee or all heirs, as the case may be (in the case of submitting a registration application or receiving a transfer or inheriting the rights in the trademark registration application that is the same or similar to the mark that they have transferred, has been transferred, or inherited for certain goods under section 51/1).

Information as of 4 April 2023 
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060


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