Development of research personnel and entrepreneurs in the medical device industry

       Strategy 4 to develop the medical device industry is to develop the knowledge and abilities of research and innovation personnel, as well as production and service operators, which will be an essential mechanism to drive the development of medical devices under the BCG model. The drive will start with the principle of “upskill-reskill,” the development of research skills and innovation in medical device technology to enable users and entrepreneurs to keep up with changes in innovations and medical device technology, by using Thai products to develop innovative medical devices in higher education institutions and public agencies. The practice is a means of training on standards and risks through the Career for the Future Academy mechanism, which will enhance the skills and knowledge of users and entrepreneurs, helping them stay up to date.

       Another important aspect is developing a comprehensive educational platform for postgraduate students doing research and development, developing industry innovation, and developing personnel in groups with the potential to be researchers and innovators who have the ability to study on their own. Nowadays, educational platforms are scattered and Thailand still lacks a large enough pool of educated researchers, so the gathering of medical technology knowledge is not as great as it should be. Therefore, a comprehensive educational platform should be developed by developing module-based online training courses for students, in order to increase their innovator skills and expertise in related industries; also, master's degree students could work in factories and complete their thesis on topics that meet the needs of the company.

Source: National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

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