Community tourism charm – Agricultural attractions

       One country whose economic success can be attributed in large part to its fertile farmland is Thailand. Visitors interested in learning more about agriculture can do so at a number of different tourist attractions located in and around various agricultural regions.

       San Pa Pao Community, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province is now open as an agro tourism site; it welcomes tourists to come to learn, experiment, and open their minds to agro-tourism and health community lifestyles that are not far from the city. This community is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a change of scenery to do fun activities like growing vegetables, taking walks, and enjoying the views of the fields.

       The community research team has planned a route and a 2-day, 1-night tour, divided into four parts – learning, doing, relaxing, and culture – because the area is semi-urban and semi-rural, only nine kilometers apart. Here are some specifics about what your experiences on the tour will be:

       Learning: The agricultural way of life at the Agricultural Center is combined with activities such as visiting a mulberry plantation, tasting aromatic coconuts grown in the area, and learning about the rice-making ceremony from local elders;

       Doing: Gather natural vegetables and healthy herbs for meals like Spicy Bird Sausage Salad and Sang Phak Kaeng Curry with Dried Fish, and once your stomach is full, there are rice harvest activities to try to deepen your understanding of the San Pa Pao way of life;

       Relaxing: With homestays from local villagers, income is distributed to the community in a sustainable manner;

       Culture: Take a side-by-side three-wheeler ride through San Pa Pao's history, passing by many sacred sites such as Nam Bo Thip, Ton San Temple, the old tree of San Ton Pao Temple, and more.

 Visit San Pa Pao Community, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, to experience the villagers’ fun and intentions, or contact Piang Din San Pa Pao Community Enterprise at tel. 08 4613 2936 for more information on this trip.


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