Application for extension of pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement period submitted to provincial employment office

     Presently, there are numerous businesses dispatching workers to work overseas. Consequently, the government has introduced measures to control the recruitment process more strictly, segregating the control of recruitment for overseas employment. A special fund has been established to assist Thai workers abroad, including the adjustment of fees to correspond with the economic condition. In the case of requesting permission to extend the pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement period, an application must be submitted to the Provincial Employment Office where the permit holder has their office set up. The following criteria or conditions apply:

  1. If a permit holder wishes to request permission for pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement to prepare workers, the permission for pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement can be granted as necessary, but not exceeding 60 days. If the permit holder wishes to extend the period of permission for recruitment, they must submit an application for permission along with documents following the Jor Ngor 22 Kor form, 10 business days before the recruitment permit expires. This should be accompanied by a justification as to why they could not recruit workers, and a dispatch plan should also be provided to the Department of Employment.
  2. The extension of the period of permission for pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement can only be granted once as necessary, but not exceeding 30 days from the day the recruitment permit expires.
  3. The submission of a request for permission to extend the period for pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement should be made at the Thai Overseas Employment Administration or the Provincial Employment Office where the permit holder has established their office.

     The operation procedures according to the manual start counting from when the officer checks that the documents are complete as specified in the public service manual. If the application or supporting documents are incomplete or defective, making it impossible to consider, the officer will create a record of the document or evidence deficiencies that need additional submissions. The applicant must correct and/or submit additional documents within the specified period in the record, otherwise it will be considered that the applicant has abandoned the application by the officer. The applicant or the authorized signatory must sign the record and a copy of the defect record will be given to the applicant or the authorized person as evidence. The result of the consideration will be notified to the applicant within 7 days from the date of completion of the consideration, with a service fee of 10 Baht.

     Documents accompanying the application for permission to extend the pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement period, when submitted to the Provincial Employment Office where the permit holder has an office, include:

  1. Application for permission to extend the pre-employment recruitment or job advertisement period (Form Jor Ngor 22 Kor) (1 original set)
  2. Job applicant recruitment permit (1 original set), which is the signed permit to recruit job applicants
  3. List of names and addresses of job applicants (1 original set) which must be the list of names and addresses of the recruited job applicants
  4. Job dispatch plan (1 original set)
  5. Letter summarizing the job dispatch results (1 original set)

Source: Ministry of Labour
Hotline: 1506 


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