Procedures when foreigners change their employer or terminate their employment or resign (employment termination)

         Foreigners legally working in Thailand may experience being fired or resigning from work for different purposes. Foreigners working in Thailand who wish to change the juristic person (which is the employer) or to vacate their job (termination of employment/resignation) should proceed as follows:

         Foreigners allowed to stay in the Kingdom must perform a duty or stay only for the reasons requested as authorized. If there are any changes regarding the performance of duties (changing the juristic person, i.e., the employer, or vacating the job) or a change in the reason for staying in the Kingdom which is different from the request, the residence permit will be terminated immediately and will be subject to further legal action, and will pertain also to the family and followers. 

          Supporting documents for visa cancellation notification in case of a change of the juristic person (an employer) or vacating their office (termination of employment/retirement) at Sub-Division 2, Immigration Division 1, are as follows: 

1. Letter to the Immigration Office informing it that the foreigner is vacating the office (the date of resignation must be clearly stated; if the date of resignation is not specified, he/she will be considered resigning on the date of the letter); the letter must be signed by the authorized director(s) of the Company or limited partnership;

2. Copy of the company registration certificate or registration of a limited partnership with the registrar's certificate, not more than 6 months old;

3. Copy of the ID card or the passport of the authorized director(s) of the company, with a signature certifying it is a true copy;

4. Passport of the foreigner who resigns (the officer must stamp the resignation stamp on the passport).

          In this regard, the notice of resignation (visa cancellation) will cause permission to stay in the Kingdom to be immediately terminated. The foreigner must contact the officer to notify them of his/her resignation on the day of the employment termination (last day of work) and cancel the visa at the original immigration checkpoint where he/she had applied for the residence permit in the Kingdom.



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