MOE opens seven education management policies for fiscal year 2024 to change the Thai education system sustainably

     MOE is implementing seven education management policies for fiscal year 2024 to change the Thai education system sustainably.

     The Ministry of Education will execute its core mission, in line with the National Strategy (2016-2030) and the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2016-2020), to enhance the potential of people throughout their lives, as well as develop the country's economy and society. This aims to ensure that every student at every age receives development in all dimensions, thus being able to learn continuously and meet the demands of future development.

Therefore, the policies and priorities of the Ministry of Education for the 2014 fiscal year have been established on the following principles:

1. To create immunity for students and the public, every organization should apply working methods that are integrated with transparent, responsible, and consistent duties. This will strengthen collaboration and create a guarantee that everyone will have access to quality education in all areas;

2. To help all workers to perform their duties with responsibility towards themselves, organizations, the public, and the country, emphasizing the importance of cooperation from all sectors, through a mechanism of listening to opinions to serve the purpose of enhancing the quality of education;

3. To execute the policies of the Ministry of Education, emphasizing that changes in the education sector should be made to benefit students and the public, with the aim of developing education by aiming to develop education for joint “Transforming Education to Fit in the Digital Era.”

     The aim of these principles is to help learners develop toward the goal of being complete human beings, considering nationality, religion, art, culture, sports, safety, opportunities, and educational competencies necessary for the new era.

The seven important policies to drive the education system for the fiscal year 2024 are discussed below:

1. Education management for safety

     1.1 Create safety in educational institutions to increase societal confidence and prevent dangers in all forms of life by implementing plans and rigorous safety measures for students, teachers, and personnel in various forms;

     1.2 Instill attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge in the creative use of social and cyber media;

     1.3 Promote desirable environmental behaviors and awareness, conserve and restore natural resources and the environment, and adapt to climate change;

    1.4 Develop roles and missions in safety for all agencies under the Ministry of Education by collaborating with all sectors.

2. Upgrading educational quality

     2.1 Promote and support educational institutions to practice competencies according to the Basic Education Core Curriculum, B.E. 2551 (revised in B.E. 2560) to create the necessary competencies for learners in the new era;

     2.2 Manage learning to encourage multiple intelligences for learners by emphasizing learning from real practices in the form of Active Learning, STEM Education, Coding, etc., and moving forward to processes at higher levels;

     2.3 Develop assessment and evaluation systems, and evaluate the performance base to be a base for developing the necessary skills and competencies of the future;

     2.4 Promote the learning process and student development activities to develop soft power skills and competencies for students;

     2.5 Promote and support students of all ages to learn according to their interests through various digital platforms;

     2.6 Promote lifelong learning and the restoration of learning loss;

     2.7 Develop a teaching and learning management model for history, citizenship, and morality that is modern, interesting, and appropriate for the age and context of the area;

     2.8 Promote knowledge and skills in finance and savings (financial literacy) for students by collaborating with relevant organizations;

     2.9 Support educational institutions to use the results of the National Educational Testing to plan for the development of teaching and learning management and improve the quality of education;

     2.10 Develop a system for assessing the quality of educational institutions that focuses on competencies and outcomes for students.

3. Creating opportunities, gender equality, and equal education at all ages

     3.1 Developing a personal information system for each student to use as a database for tracking and transferring to higher levels of education, as well as addressing dropout and out-of-school situations; 

     3.2 Promoting and supporting early childhood education for all children over the age of 3, enabling them to receive quality and continuous development appropriate to their age and potential, in collaboration with all related agencies.;

     3.3 Developing diverse data and options for special target groups, vulnerable groups, and youth aged 15-24 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs);

     3.4 Developing a basic education management support system for homeschooling (Home School) and home-based learning, as well as other alternative education;

     3.5 Developing a credit bank system within educational institutions and establishing a central agency to drive the credit bank system overall and link between formats, types, and levels of education.

4. Education for career skill development and increasing competitiveness

     4.1 Develop vocational education courses and short-term professional courses in a modular system that integrates general education and professional subjects in the same professional field, linking vocational education within and outside the system and offering continuous learning opportunities through block courses for accumulating credit banks. Moreover, collaborate with businesses to provide intensive vocational education for better job opportunities;

     4.2 Drive human resource development in accordance with the national qualifications framework, ASEAN reference framework, and international standards, while promoting excellence in vocational education centers (Excellent Center) through collaboration with private sector and business organizations to produce qualified individuals to meet the country's development needs;

     4.3 Develop professional skills that align with aptitudes and interests through re-skilling, up-skilling, and new skill acquisition, to provide high-level education and create a variety of career paths for all target groups, including the elderly, through collaboration between relevant organizations;

     4.4 Promote the development of a national vocational education testing system (V-NET) to assess the necessary skills for entering the workforce, and use test results for selection and further studies. Also, issue certificates for digital literacy and English competency;

     4.5 Establish a Start-up Center under the Vocational Education and Entrepreneurship Development Center to develop and foster vocational education entrepreneurs, promote and develop vocational entrepreneurs among both vocational education students and the general public, linking with the office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education (NFE) and both government and private sector enterprises that align with the changing lifestyles and careers;

     4.6 Increase the role of vocational education in creating and developing entrepreneurs and workforce in the agricultural sector, especially smart farmers and young smart farmers who are capable of applying new technology;

    4.7 Develop vocational courses for out-of-school groups and the general public that conform with professional standards, for certification and professional qualifications, according to the National Qualifications Framework.

5. Promoting and supporting the teaching profession, educational personnel, and other personnel

     5.1 Promote and support the implementation of performance evaluation using the Digital Performance Appraisal (DPA) system for teachers and educational personnel;

     5.2 Promote and support the development of digital technology competency according to the Digital Competency framework for teachers and educational personnel at the basic education and vocational education levels;

     5.3 Develop teachers' academic readiness and learning management skills, including the use of technology and innovation through various online platforms, as well as their ability to plan learning paths, career development, and students' life skills based on their individual interests and abilities;

     5.4 Promote and support the measurement of teacher competencies in evaluation and assessment to improve teaching, classroom evaluation, and outcomes;

     5.5 Develop the abilities of teachers and personnel to align with societal and future world changes;

     5.6 Promote and support English language competency testing for teachers and personnel for effective communication in the workplace;

     5.7 Accelerate the resolution of debt problems for teachers and personnel within the system, in conjunction with providing knowledge in financial planning and discipline for savings.

6. Development of bureaucracy and government services in the digital age

     6.1 Drive the development of government systems through innovation and the use of digital technology as the primary mechanism for operations (Digitalize Process), linking and sharing data (Sharing Data), promoting collaboration and integration with various public sector entities, both internally and externally;

     6.2 Develop the efficiency of information technology networks so that they can efficiently link government agencies through communication networks;

     6.3 Develop budget allocation and educational resource management systems based on the principle of necessity, emphasizing the development of quality learners as a priority;

     6.4 Strengthen ethics, moral standards, and cultivate awareness to oppose corruption and misconduct by adhering to the principles of good governance.

7. Promotion of education laws and the National Education Plan, including the drafting of secondary laws to support the National Education Act, paired with creating awareness to ensure that the public is comprehensively informed.

Source: Ministry of Education 
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