All posts of tag: OverseasJobPlacementLicense

Criteria for Obtaining a License to Provide Employment for Workers Abroad - Application Submission at the Provincial Employment Office Where the Applicant has Set up Office (Foreign Employment License)

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Any private entity wishing to engage in the business of job placement for job seekers to work abroad must apply for a foreign employment license from the Central Employment Registrar. If the office is located in Bangkok,

Documentation for Application for Overseas Job Placement License - Case of Application at the Provincial Employment Office where the Applicant has Established Office

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

As stipulated in the 1985 Occupational Job Placement and Labor Protection Act, Article 30 prohibits anyone from providing job placement services for individuals seeking employment abroad unless permission has been granted by the Central Employment

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